How to write a marketing plan

Why create a marketing plan?

I get it. Really, I do. You want to spend more time doing.

And less time thinking about taking action.

But, and it’s a biggie, if you don’t do the thinking and documenting before you take action, it will bite you in the behind later down the line - and you’ll find yourself scrabbling, back-tracking and wondering why it didn’t work first time around.

All the best entrepreneurs wing it, don’t they? (hint: no - have you ever had to pitch for investment? It’s a rigorous process and guess what the VC’s, angels and even online investment portals all demand a plan! One that includes market data and strategy).

  • Accountability - for you my fearless founders and charity leaders, as well as your team. It’s easy to promise you’ll do something and never deliver if you don’t commit to goals and write them down. There’s nothing quite like writing down your goals to keep you motivated.

  • Focus and direction - in a small business or charity, funds are rarely limitless, so using your resources to focus on the marketing activities that will make the biggest difference in achieving your sales goals is essential.

  • Consistency - a comms plan, - which is a key part of any marketing strategy - ensures consistent messaging across your channels, helping you to build brand trust. And brand trust is essential for customers to buy from you.

  • Creativity - Believe it or not (and this comes from a fellow creative) having a plan makes more room for creativity, not less.

What to include in your marketing plan

Okay, so (hopefully) I’ve convinced you that creating a marketing plan is time well spent.

So what to include?!

We’re not talking War & Peace here. We’re talking about a one-page plan which includes the essential ingredients for successful marketing activity.

  • Goals

  • Product offering

  • Audience (yes, that includes the persona of your ideal client)

  • Key messaging

  • Channels

  • Assets

  • Budget

  • Timeline

  • Team

  • Metrics

Ready to start yours?

Get the one-page plan template (a Notion product)


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