The Power Hour*💪

*90 minutes of my undivided attention to answer your most pressing marketing questions.

What’s included

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    A 90-minute 1-2-1 with me to get your most pressing marketing questions answered.

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    The opportunity to share material with me in advance.

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    A recording of our call which you can return to time and time again.

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    A copy of the Marketing Master Plan [Template].

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    Instant feedback and ideas.

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    Followed up with a list of key actions to empower you to make progress.

Popular Power Hour Topics …

The Marketing Plan

An opportunity to run through the key elements of a solid marketing plan, or review the one you’ve already got to plug any gaps and identify new opportunities.

New Product Launch Plan

Perfect for planning your new product launch - from key messaging to channels, to campaign copy and creative, to timeline and budget.

Social Media Strategy

Ideal if you want to know where you should have a presence, the key messaging and the type of content that will resonate with your dream customer.

Mastering your metrics

You know that metrics matter but you’re not certain which ones or where to start implementing the tracking code required to measure them.

Blog & newsletter content ideas

You need a fresh dose of inspiration - ideas for next quarters blog posts and newsletter.

LinkedIn Thought Leadership Ads

You want to upskill yourself (or your team) to run highly targeted ads to reach your dream client.

Mapping out your marketing funnel

You know you need to be present at every stage of the customer buying journey, but you’re not sure how.

Ideas for your lead magnet

You know that creating a lead magnet is important. But you’re a little stuck on what exactly that looks like.

Setting up Google Ads

You want reasurance that it’s been set up correctly (according to best practises) so that you (or the team) can run it. Or, you want an objective review to identify how to optimise existing campaigns.

Campaign planning

Whether you’re a charity that wants to raise awareness or fundraise or a small business that wants to educate people about a new way of doing things - a multichannel marketing campaign is a great place to start.

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“One of the most valuable things we have ever done.”

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“The hardest part of marketing is knowing where to focus. Very grateful for your guidance not just on what to do but how and where to do it.”

Powerful words from purposeful people

Frequently asked questions

  • It’s a supercharged hour (AKA 90 minutes) which gives us plenty of time to run through your most pressing marketing challenges.

  • Absolutely!

    The more prepared you are, the more you’ll get out of our session.

    Feel free to send me a ‘one-pager’, marketing material or campaign you want input on at least 24 hours before our session. Still not sure what to send me? Drop me a line.

  • Perfect for solopreneurs, small business owners, new marketing hires - anyone who needs expert marketing advice.

  • These sessions are specifically designed for 1-2-1. If group sessions are more suited to your marketing need, then let’s chat.

  • We require payment at the time of booking. This helps us manage our time and resources effectively.

  • There are many ways we can continue to work together. We can chat about this after the session. You’re welcome to book as many Power Hours as you like, and I offer discounts for block booking and long term marketing support packages.